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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
oil OF OLAY +woman & circle 3
oil field india +horse 4
oil of kerala MALHAR +tree 3
36 mustard oil +sun & flowe 29
555 cotton seed oil 29
555 cotton seed oil NATIONA 29
555 groundnut oil 29
555 groundnut oil NATIONAL 29
555 hair oil +building tree 3
555 pure groundnut oil +sta 29
777 oil 5
A alfa-PLUS lube oil 4
A2O algae to oil +leaves 4
AACHI gingelly oil +woman 29
AAKSHAJ DEEPAM oil +lamps 3
AAROHI oil of peach +spiral 3
AARTI mustard oil +lamp 29
AARVI refined soyabean oil 29
AARZOO brand oil 5
AASTHA soyabeen refined oil 29
AB pure coconut oil +tree 29
ABHYANG-c oil 5
ACHAL soyabean oil 39
ACHAL soyabean oil +ribbon 35
ACTI PRO cooking oil +arcs 29
ACTIVA GOLD engine oil 4
AD VITAMIN baby oil 5
oil 4
ADVITA oil 5
AG ANAND mustard hair oil 3
AGA HIMAVAT hair oil 3
AGNI sewing machine oil 4
AGRIOL SAE 40 pump set oil 4
AIRPORT brand linseed oil 3
AISHORINE hair oil +woman 3
AJANTA health oil 5
AJENDERA oil and chemicals 35
AKK coconut oil 29
AKSHATH sunflower oil 29
oil 1
AKSHAYA gold gingelly oil 29
ALBELA mustard oil +cartoon 29
ALFA corn oil +plant 29
ALFA pure corn oil +plant 29
ALOCRUX hair oil 5
ALTIVO POMACE olive oil 29
AMAN refined soyabean oil 29
AMAR oil seals +oval 12
AMAR OIL mustard oil 29
AMBO LITE refined soya oil 29
AMEERAJ groundnut oil 29
AMIT mixed fruit in oil 29
AMLA SUPER hair oil 3
AMLA hair oil 3
AMOGH filtred mustard oil 29
AMOGH hair oil +drop 3
AMRIT pure coconut oil +pot 3
AMRIT refined oil 29
AMUDHAM gingelly oil 29
AMUL groundnut oil 29
AMURTHAM gingelly oil 29
ANAND oil +man woman flower 5
ANAND OM soyabean oil +chef 29
oil 29
ANANDAM gingelly oil 29
ANIL corn oil +plant 29
ANJANI ground nut oil 29
ANKUR refined corn oil 29
ANKUR refined groundnut oil 29
ANKUR refined rapeseed oil 29
ANKUR refined soyabean oil 29
ANMOL DR. LITE soyabean oil 29
ANOOP herbal hair oil +plan 5
ANTIDAN-H herbal oil 5
ANUBHAB mustard oil +stars 29
ANUPAM mustard oil 29
ANUSHA coconut oil +trees 3
APAR bio-oil +arrow 4
APARAJITHA oil filteration 7
APARNA AMLA hair oil +woman 3
APARUPA coconut oil +face 3
APOLO GOLD soyabean oil 29
APOORVA ASWINI coconut oil 3
APPEX engine oil 4
APS mustard oil +circle 29
APSARA 12 oil pastels +bird 16
APSARA 12 oil pastels +cat 16
APSARA 24 oil pastels 16
APSARA 24 oil pastels +cow 16
APSARA ROUND oil pastels 16
ARATI coconut oil +tree 3
ARC pure coconut oil +oval 29
ARJUNA hair oil +bottle 5
ARNICA oil +woman 3
ARNICA oil +woman & flowers 5
ARNIMAX arnica oil 5
ARNIMONT arnica oil 3, 5
AROHI oil of apricot 3
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